We just found out that Ellison will be having surgery tomorrow for her Larynomalacia, at Hellen Devoss Childrens Hospital in Grand Rapids at 2:00pm.
Ellison is not getting any better and is just getting worse.
Please pray for Ellison the Doctor's nurses and everyone that will come into contact with our sweet Ellison.
Please also pray for Josh and I as we go through this hard time. Pray for peace for us tonight as we prepare for tomorrow.
My friend will be up-dating our blog while we are in the hospital. So you can check back to see how things are going.
(Thanks Katie)
Praying for you guys! Love you!
Hi, I hopped over from Katie's blog....and I had to comment. My daughter, Lily, has had a few esophageal surgeries. She was born with esophageal atresia, which basically means her esophagus wasn't connected to her stomach. She was also born with tracheomalacia, or soft, easily collapsible cartilage in her trachea. I know how scary it is anytime your little one has to have surgery. My heart goes out to you and your family. I'll say a prayer for you guys and hope all goes really well tomorrow! HUGS! (BTW, my dd is 6, going on 7, hasn't had a surgery in about 3 years, and is doing remarkably well, considering how sick she was when she was born.)
Definitely been praying for you guys and will continue to pray!
My daughter just turned 5 and just had that surgery, Praying for you guys! She had major problems with reflux as a baby & testing at the hospital never showed this, I noticed she had sleep apnea and turns out that is why & it is why she had the reflux issues as baby! If it helps, she is 100% better and has NO MORE APNEA!
still praying, roommate. can't wait for the update. love to you three.
I also hopped over from Katie's blog. My son was born very prematurely and has layrangomalacia as well. Right now, he is simply on a thickener to help him swallow well, but I know how difficult these swallowing problems can be. Saying prayers that this surgery helps in the manner it is supposed to!
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