Ellison is also getting use to wearing her "crown"/helmet. She has to wear it 23 hours a day. We take it off right before her bath and then put it back on when she is ready for bed. This past week also started doing Occupational Therapy. We will be going once a week for an hour. Then they give us homework to work on each week. While we are there we also get adjustments made on her helmet. Josh and I think this is harder on us then Ellison. I figured out how to attach her hair bows and flowers. We get lots of comments on how cute it is.
Ellison is not a big fan of Tummy time so she just rolls over.
Ellison all ready for bed in her fuzzy PJ's
Ellison had a play date with her friend William. They were both checking out his new mobile. Ellison is 4 months older than William.
Ellison has started to wave Hi and Bye. When people walk in and out of the rooms she will wave. It is so cute!
I found this cute hat at Gap the other day it was 97 cents so I just had to buy it.
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