Ellison is one busy girl now, she is always moving something! She grabs at everything and anything she can get close to her mouth is in there licked split. She loves to take toys and bang them on things and hear the noise it makes.
She loves to play with her toes and eat them.
She still has not gotten any teeth but there is one little trying to poke through. She drools all the time. We are going through a lot of bibs everyday.
This week Ellison finally fit into a size 2 diaper whoo! I hear from other moms she will be in this size for a while. That is ok because I have been stocking up when they are on sale and I have good coupons.
Ellison went to the Doctor last week because she was not feeling well and she has an upper respiratory infection as well as a sinus infection. We got an antibiotic and she seems to be getting better each day now. It was so hard for Josh and I to see her sick.
She loves to play with all her toys. Thanks to Nana and Papa they are all loud and all play music ;)
Ellison loves to watch baby Einstein she gets all excited about the bright colors and music.
She is doing great with her baby food. She now does this little mouth movement which we have named "chomp chomp" it is so fun to watch her learn new things every day.
I hope to get some more blogging done soon!
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